Saturday, February 1, 2014

February's challenge!

Are you taking this February challenge? Its going to be tough. This challenge will last 28 days (not even a full 30!), Feb 1st-28th. Tag someone to take this challenge with you.

Here are the rules, but you should modify as it fits your lifestyle/what you specifically need to work on:

1. No chocolate or candy
2. No cereal unless truly whole grain/healthy (remember, even cereals that claim to be healthy often aren't! Check ingredients)
3. No biscuits/cookies (unless HEALTHY homemade)
4. No pastries, cake, donuts or muffins (unless HEALTHY homemade)
5. No white bread
6. No chips/package snacks (unless HEALTHY homemade veggie chips)
7. No fast food
8. No nutella or cookie spread (Nut butter is okay if you are having a TRUE serving)
9. No ice-cream
10. No Soda
11. No refined sugar (natural no calorie sweeteners are okay, if you want to include them!)

That 's a lot of rules. But you may be amazed to find that omitting these foods, even just a few weeks, will have you craving them less. 

Did you know your crave foods you eat most?

If you miss a day or mess up and cheat, don't be discouraged! it's better to continue moving forward than to give up because we have a human craving. 

Remember, it's okay to modify challenge--challenging but ACHIEVABLE is what we're going for! Don't make it so challenging that you quit, but so easy that you make no changes.

Now step 1 : Go THROW AWAY or donate all of the junk food you have in your house to avoid temptation!!